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SSL certificate and contact information
Website Encryption Security Rating | |
Verify domain name | |
Certificate validity time | 2022-12-29 To 2026-12-29(service lave 708 day) |
Certificate version | DV single domain name |
SSL Vulnerability Scanning | under protection |
Website Security Detection | under protection |
Certificate Authority | Xcc Trust CA |
Company (organization) registration information View business | |
Company/Organization/Owner | 西安中医脑病医院有限公司 |
Business Registration Number | 91610136MA6WAHRQ20 |
Country/Province/Region | 陕西省/西安市 |
Please confirm the following three points
1. No warning message pops up in the browser
2. The verification information shows that the certificate status is valid
3. The starting address of this page is:
All data is safe | When accessing a website via an address starting with https, all information transmissions to and from the website are encrypted, thus preventing data from being intercepted by third parties during transmission. |
Domain Name Ownership Confirmation | The domain owner allows the domain to use an encryption-based SSL certificate. |
Owner Identity Authentication | XinChaCha has verified the identity of the domain owner. |
XinChaCha verified the above information, but did not verify the content of the website.
·24-hour service phone:400-900-6808
·The copyright of Xinchacha Encryption Security Certificate belongs to Xinchacha. For more information about SSL certificates, please visit
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